Microsoft Office Word Templates For Mac


I have a template I created for Word for Windows. I am trying to get it to work on Word 2016 for Mac. To clarify, it actually works, but it's not sticky. Steps I have taken: • I have added the template to the /Users/[username]/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word folder. • When I first opened the file locations in preferences there was no path for Startup.

Mac users who prefer Microsoft's suite of productivity tools but aren't keen on Office 365 are getting their first chance to try Office 2019 for Mac. A preview of the suite (including Word, Excel. Mar 8, 2017 - By default, Office for Mac apps launch with the Document Gallery. Of times I want to use a template when I'm opening Word is effectively zero,.

So I added the path in the first bullet item. • When opening a new blank document, the template is not loaded. • So I go to Tools > Templates and Add-ins and load the template as a Global template, including checking the box. • The Ribbon appears and works great. • I save and close the document and Quit Word. • I reopen Word, and whether I select the previously saved document or a new blank document, the Ribbon does not load.

• So I go back to Tools > Templates and Add-ins. I see my template in the list but it is not checked. My goal is to get that template to stay checked. In my experimenting I discovered that if I save a document as a template into the startup folder then it is added as a global template and stays checked. That solves the problem on my personal computer but I need to distribute the template to other users. I also tried saving the template itself as a template and that didn't work either.

According to, and confirmed by experiment, the path has changed for Office 2016. It is now ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Templates.

(This is what you see in the Finder: if you use Terminal the last two directories have '.localized' appended to their name, which Finder evidently suppresses). Be aware that if you performed an upgrade of Office, you will still have the ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/My Templates directory, but Powerpoint, at least, won't look in that location. Sketch wireframe software.