Mac Best Eyeshadows For Brown Eyes


Warm metallics, simply put, make brown eyes glisten. 'They highlight even the slightest hint of gold undertones,' says Warren. Our pick: Bobbi Brown Luxe Eye Shadow in Interstellar.

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And honestly. I swear we do. With all the variations of green and blue and hazel, it's hard to love our brown eyes. But we should start embracing our beautifully colored eyes! There are so many ways we can enhance our boring brown eyes and one is through makeup!

We certainly use makeup to enhance our facial features, and this means we also use it to enhance the shape and color of our eyes. And if you think that no type of eye makeup out there can really bring out our brown eyes, you're so, so wrong. Never underestimate the magic of makeup! Even though we have brown eyes, there are certain eyeshadow shades we can easily pull off compared to the other eye colors out there. Those with brown eyes can properly pull off a good blue eyeshadow. Outlook for mac to purchase. You can't tell me blue eyes can, and it may not be one of the —the blue eyeshadow will clash with their eyes.

This means that brown eyes can pull off literally any color in the book, because our eyes in general are dark and nothing can possibly clash with them. But which eyeshadow colors exactly are the best for our brown eyes?

I promise you, these are definitely the absolute best eyeshadows for brown eyes you have to test out on your own gorgeous eyes. Hell yeah we can pull off either orange or yellow eyeshadows.

Since our eyes are brown, there are very, very slight tints of yellow in them. Unless your eyes are ridiculously dark. It still doesn't matter. Either color compliments your brown eyes so well, you can wear just orange eyeshadow, or yellow by itself and you'll easily slay.

But what about orange and yellow combined? If you're about to head out on a Sunday brunch with friends and you can't decide on either orange or yellow eyeshadow, then do both! This orangey yellow single eyeshadow by MAC is one of the most stunning colors I've seen on the list. It's the perfect blend of the two colors, and you won't believe how it looks around your brown eyes. Like I've mentioned before, you can certainly pull off a look with just wearing this eyeshadow by itself and still look amazing.

Not to mention that your brown eyes will expose more like you've never seen them before! Who the hell said you can't do brown on brown eyes? Well, according to fuckin' me, brown is definitely among the best eyeshadows for brown eyes. Fight me on this one, I know I'll win. For someone who has brown eyes, my go-to eyeshadow is brown. Any type of brown; chocolate, dark, mocha, coffee, any type of brown eyeshadow, anyone who has brown eyes can most certainly pull it off with any look.

You can wear the color by itself for a look, or even smoke it out with an orange or yellow eyeshadow! Brown eyeshadow on brown eyes gives off that mysterious, dark look. As for a great brown eyeshadow palette, Shadow Squad in Ambition by Almay is something you should check out. While all four shades are diverse types of brown, they have different types of finishes, too. In matte, metallic, satin, and glitter, you can create so many different looks with this one palette.

And the formula is very velvety and smooth. So, when you're applying any of the lids to your eyes, you can easily blend them out or build up on the amount of color you want on your lids. What is the ctrl q for minecraft on mac pc.

Yes, we can pull off the bold blue eyeshadow, unlike those with blue eyes. Since blue clashes with blue eyes, it doesn't entirely look right on them. But for us basic-ass brown eyes, you know damn well our eyes will look glamorous when wearing blue eyeshadow. However, it can't be any blue eyeshadow. The types of blues that compliment our brown eyes so well are shades like dark blue, navy, royal blue, and nothing lighter. Light blue eyeshadow in general look tacky on us.

That's why we need the classy colors to give us a sophisticated look. Yes, we can look classy when wearing blue eyeshadow, I've done it multiple times. That's why it's one of the best eyeshadows for brown eyes. A cosmetics brand that produces stunning eyeshadow shades of blue is Clinique and their Lid Pop Eyeshadow in Surf Pop is breathtaking. This color couldn't have been a more ideal blue shade. It's not too light, but considered to be a blue. You should definitely mix this eyeshadow with a brown shade and smoke out your eyes.