Excel For Mac Remove Page Break

I have Excel 2007 so I'm giving the instructions to hide page break lines for Excel 2007, but it should be applicable to Excel 2010 as well: Click on the Office button in the top left corner. Select the Excel Options button at the bottom right side of the Office menu. The Excel page break option helps you see where page breaks will appear when your worksheet is printed. In this article I'll show you several ways to insert them You'll also learn how to remove page breaks in Excel 2010 - 2016 where to find the Page Break Preview hide and show the marking lines.

Hi EE I am using Excel 2010 for Mac. I cannot adjust page breaks - the curly brackets do not appear on hover over, even in the Normal View.

The page breaks are certainly visible (as black dashed lines) but I cannot adjust them. I have followed the Excel Help instructions, but they must be missing something as the application is not working as indicated. Can you provide assistance as to why I cannot adjust my page breaks i.e.

Why the curly brackets that are supposed to be used for that exact purpose, do not appear when I hover over the page break dashed line? Hi rorya This is MS Office 2008 for Mac, not MS Office for PC.


In their infinite wisdom, MS removed the Page Break preview feature on the Mac version which, reading various posts on the web, has caused no end of consternation. Apparently adjustments to the Page Breaks are now made in the Normal view where the Page Breaks are presumably shown. My issue is that although I can see what appear to be page breaks, when I hover over them to get the curly brackes that are supposed to appear so you can move them, the curly brackets do not appear and I cannot adjust the page breaks. I have it turned on and I am in Normal view.

I can clearly see the page break which is a dashed black line. What is supposed to happen is that when you hover over the page break i.e. The dashed black line) there should be curly brakets and within those an 'up' and 'down' arrow heads that appear. If they actually did apprear these would allow you to move the page break, thereby changing it to a 'manual pagebreak'. It is this appearance of curly brackets that is not occuring.

Even if I insert a manual page break, I cannot move it. Hi rorya It appears the Mac Office 2008 suite was quite out of date, as unbeknowns to me I must have deselected the auto update feature quite some time ago. I updated it (which I did manually and had to repeat a number of times to get all the updates - presumably in some sort of synchronous order) and then I also ensured the option 'enable fill handle and cell drag and drop' (in the Excel preferences) was ticked and voila I can now see the grab handles on the page breaks in Excel in Office 2008 for Mac. Thanks so much for your continued help here - you muchly deserve these points.

Posted:, 10:40 AM I'm not sure I understand - What *View* are you using? If you're in Print Layout View that would explain it.

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Switch to Normal View (View> Normal or click the leftmost button at the bottom of the window) & see if that isn't better. OTOH, if you mean the dashed page break lines that appear even in Normal View once you've switched to Page Layout view or printed at least once, go to Excel> Preferences> View & clear the check for Page Breaks. HTH :>) Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac On 3/25/08 11:11 PM, in article 9absDaxw, 'eHam@officeformac.com' wrote: > Version: 2008 > Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) > Processor: intel > > How do I remove (or hide) the automatic page breaks. I almost never print my > spreadsheets and the dashed lines are distracting. The help file says that > they can be adjusted, but the only thing I can do is to remove a page break > that I set. Posted:, 01:57 PM Yes, it is the dashed lines and pointing me to the Preference>View window solved the issue.