Winrar For Mac 64 Bit
RAR for Mac is a lightweight compression tool for Macs, that can unpack most common compressed file formats such as ZIP and JAR. RAR is a powerful archive manager.
WinRAR x64 (64 bit) 5.61: Graphical and command line: Trial: 3115 KB: RAR for Android on Google Play: Graphical only: Free RAR for Android 5.60 build 63 local copy. WinRAR is a powerful archive manager for Windows, Linux, Mac. This is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives.
It can back up your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format. Media monkey for mac os. The application not only includes support for extracting virtually any kind of file compression format, it also boasts a no-nonsense approach to reducing file sizes. When you download RAR, you might be confused by the fact that it's just a folder of files. This is because there is no graphical user interface for RAR.
It works only via the command line using Terminal so if you've got no experience of using Terminal, then you're going to be a bit stranded. If you're willing to learn however, here's how to do it. Place the files in any folder on your hard drive, and run the utility by typing in the full path to the application (e.g. To run from the current directory, type './rar' or './unrar' followed by the appropriate parameters). If you get stuck, simply type the application name (RAR or UNRAR) without any parameters to see list of useful commands. However, this will no doubt prove too complicated for most general users and considering the fact that you have to buy a license too for RAR, there are far better applications out there such as Zipeg which is both free and has a GUI thus making it much easier to use. RAR is a powerful compression tool but if you don't know how to run programs from the Terminal, it won't be much use to you.
By Anonymous stop scaring other users - it's absolutely stable, 100% functional program. It supports volume splitting, password protection - everyth ing! What people do not understand here, is that iPhone etc is not all there is to Mac, and if you are used to absolute simplicity of dragging something into app folder, then clicking it and it works - it does not mean that everyone else 'does not belong to 21st century', it simply means that you are not as computer-savvy as you probably like to think. Anyway, for those who would like to know how to use this, here are very simple instructions: reviewed on June 17, 2012 •. By Anonymous Good for Pentium II Celeron users!! Best mac foundation for dark skin. Some guys are having problems??? Well, to use this program you need to buy a Windows PC with Pen tium-II celeron processor and 2GB hard disk.