Which Mac Laptop Is Best For A College Student


Select Restore from Time Machine Backup and click Continue. Read the info on the Restore Your System page and click Continue. Select your Time Machine backup and click Continue. Select the most recent backup of your hard disk and click Continue. Your Mac will then restore the Time Machine backup; once it's done it will restart. Open Time Machine preferences from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Or choose Apple ( ) menu > System Preferences, then click Time Machine. Click Select Backup Disk (or Select Disk, or Add or Remove Backup Disk): Select your external drive from the list of available disks. Then select ”Encrypt backups” (recommended) and click Use Disk: If the disk you selected isn't formatted as required by Time Machine, you're prompted to erase the disk first. Click Erase to proceed. Best backup for mac time machine.

It will depend on your exact use. I chose a 13' Air (mid 2013) and I have to say that it has been a perfect fit for my use: matlab runs quite smoothly for usual little projects, screen not too small for a day to day use, the minimal weight is very appreciable, battery life is great (never had any problem with it. I just plug the charger if I find myself in a spot with easily accessible power sockets).

Heading to college? Take the right tech. This isn’t the greatest time in history to be in the market for a cutting-edge Mac laptop. As of this writing, the MacBook Air lineup has not been. Oct 25, 2013 - Which laptop is best for a student going to college completely online? I am starting school at the University of Phoenix in December and I will be.

I tend to use it more than I thought I would. However, I still use my iMac for more intense tasks. Gmail smtp settings for mac mail. Get the Macbook Air 13' maxed out in that case. I would bet all the people recommending MBPros are dudes who don't mind carrying heavy stuff. Not saying she wouldn't be able to, but she'll definitely love the lightness of it and the battery life destroys the MBPros like none other. Data: Used a MBA 13' throughout grad school and it saved my life everyday.

Make sure to get the applecare extended warranty, I've had my screen replaced twice and my battery once for no charge when they were acting up.