Outlook For Mac 2016 Meeting Acceptance Count Tentative Decline


I'm having an issue with our President's calendar. If someone sends him a meeting request and he accepts it or chooses tentative, then it will show up in his calendar as expected. If however he ignores the email then it should still show the tentative meeting in his calendar as a faded 'ghost' meeting. Google digital assistant for mac. This worked previously, and his assistant would go through his calendar and accept or refuse his ghosted tentative meetings. Now the meeting doesn't show up at all, so if he doesn't accept it himself then his assistant will never see the meeting. Hopefully that makes sense.

We are running Exchange 2003. He is running Windows 7, with Outlook 2010. I tested my account and it works fine, so it's not our server settings.

If you accept or decline a meeting by using the meeting item in the Calendar in Outlook, the meeting request remains in the Inbox. However, the sniffer doesn't reply to the meeting organizer. You still need to do that by accepting, accepting as tentative, or declining the request. Automatically Accept Meeting Invitations in Outlook 2016 or 2016. Open Outlook 2016 and click on the File tab in the top right hand corner. Check the box marked Automatically accept meeting requests and remove canceled meetings. The other selections are optional.

I read a lot of tips online, and I made sure that the correct settings were chosen to process mail automatically as suggested in most of the articles. I also tried /cleansniff and /cleanviews, but that didn't work. I also created a brand new Outlook profile, that didn't work. I also logged him in on another computer (Windows 2003 terminal server with Outlook 2000), it also failed on that test so it's definitely not his computer. I am thinking that it must be some kind of corruption with his AD account? I've been through this, and what you *really* should do is upgrade to the latest version of Exchange.

But if you can't do that, you can export ALL of his mail to a PST, including calendar items and contacts and everything. Then delete his Exchange mailbox. Then let the Exchange backups run. Then re-create his mailbox, and import the PST.


That will get the calendar stuff working again. This is all a huge pain-in-the-ass to do, obviously. Exchange 2003 is 3 versions behind. You should make upgrading a priority. Things work SO much better with the newer versions. There is a Calendar Attendant processing flag/switch in Exchange 2007/2010 (which I had to enable for a user at my work that had a similar problem), but I'm not aware of one in Exchange 2003. Could it be the ' Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls' option was accidentally disabled in his Outlook 2010?

From this link: 'By default, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013 will indeed automatically process your meeting requests so these time-slots are reserved on your Calendar as Tentative. This is to prevent others from booking the same time-slot before you have processed an earlier sent meeting request. The automatic processing of meeting requests can be controlled via your Tracking options. File-> Options-> Mail-> Tracking-> Automatically process meeting requests and responses to meeting requests and polls While disabling this option will prevent time-slots from being booked automatically as Tentative, it also requires you to manually process any responses that you get to your invitations and polls.' And yeah, if you can get the bean counters to approve an Exchange 2010/2013 upgrade, it's vastly superior to 2003. They need to get their head out of the sand so you can manage their mailboxes so much more effectively.