Excel For Mac 2016 Won't Open Keeps Bouncing


To try it out, open a lengthy pages document or website, something long enough that you would normally have to scroll down to reach the bottom. Now press Command and the Down arrow on your keyboard and you’ll be instantly taken to the very bottom of the document or page. Press Command and Up to jump back up to the top.

The above commands work for any Mac-compatible keyboard, but if you have an Apple keyboard with the Function key, a few more shortcuts become available. In addition to Command-Up and Command-Down, users can press Function-Left and Function-Right to achieve the same result (that is, jump to the top or bottom of a document, respectively). Further, users can jump up or down a single page at a time by pressing Function-Up and Function-Down, respectively. Here’s a table for quick reference: ⌘ + ↑ Jump to top of document ⌘ + ↓ Jump to bottom of document fn + ← Jump to top of document fn + → Jump to bottom of document fn + ↓ Advance down one page fn + ↑ Advance up one page Note that these commands can be easy to mix up, and users might find themselves pressing Command-Right or Command-Left with the intention of jumping to the top or bottom of a page. While this mistake won’t do anything at all in a word processing app like Pages, it will actually trigger the Next/Previous page function in a Web browser like Safari. Just keep that in mind if you’re trying to navigate a long website and find yourself instead jumping back and forth between pages. The Apple Extended Keyboard (via ) Longtime computer users likely recognize that these shortcuts duplicate the Home, End, and Page Up/Down keys, and that’s true.

Excel 2016 (15.15) for Mac won't open files. My laptop just updated to Windows 10, and Excel 2016 can't open any of my existing Excel files. How download minecraft for free mac.

Traditional keyboards, like the,, and many PC keyboards, have dedicated Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down keys. But the age of smaller and thinner devices has necessitated a shrinking of the keyboards found on laptops and desktops, and most keyboards today, especially from Apple, lack these special navigation keys. As a result, these useful time-saving keyboard shortcuts have been hidden in recent years behind the Command and Function modifiers, with many new Mac users completely oblivious to their existence. It’s true that Apple makes navigating OS X with a mouse or trackpad a slick and smooth experience, but any function that keeps a user’s hands on the keyboard is almost always more efficient.

I have a 2013 MacBook Air on Sierra. My office is updated to the most recent version through Microsoft Auto Updater 3.4 and I am having no problems with using any other Office program besides Powerpoint. When I click on it, it'll bounce in the dock for a few seconds and then stop, with nothing opening. I have tried updates, reinstalling, running in safe mode-all to no avail. When I log in on the account I made for my mom on this computer though, it opens with no issues. I am completely stumped.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Applications on Mac differ to those in Windows by only being limited to one instance by default. However, it is possible to open both a second (or more) instance of Visual Studio for Mac and to open a second (or more) solution inside a single Visual Studio for Mac instance. Visual studio for mac open multiple instances.