Writing App For Mac Via Windows


We want to write a client for an online service which should be available on as many platforms as possible. This question is about what programming language and framework we should use to create this client. These platforms are required: Linux, Mac, Windows, iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad) and Android. The more the better. For the mobile platforms there is. I haven't tried this thing yet, the website says you can develop for both iOS and Android using web skills such as Javascript. I don't know yet if you can deploy for both platforms using the SAME code.

Write and organize all your texts and notes on Mac. INotepad is an app designed specifically to allow you to write and perfectly organize all your texts and notes. Double-click on the list to edit the various texts in separate windows while. If it is an app that you wish to write then the platforms dictate the languages as well: Swift or Objective-C for OS X (Mac) and iOS (Apple mobile devices). Apps for OS X are made using AppKit framework. AppKit is similar to UIKit(framework for iOS). Windows apps can be made using C#(Although I dont.

It would be great! There is also Titanium Desktop but I don't like the idea that the complete source code is shared with the final application. Titanium does this for Mobile too but it isn't that easy to modify an app loaded via App Store. So, what other way is there to create an application which runs on at least the three major desktop platforms? I thought c# with mono would be the way to go but I just realized that you need to use mono with MonoMac in order to publish it on the Mac App Store and use things like Growl. And since MonoMac is naturally only available for Macs, it's again not possible to deploy the mono app on all platforms without rewriting it for at least the Mac.


And it would be nice if the app looks 'native' on all platforms. Gtk# just does not look good on a Mac. It's 'okay' on Windows and great on Linux. I know we could use Objective-C for iOS and Mac, Java for Android, C#.net for Windows and C#.mono for Linux but the main point is that we don't want to write the same app in a lot of different languages. That would make development and maintenance really hard. And we prefer languages with C-style syntax which are much easier to learn for us PHP web developers.

Btw: We dislike Air and I'm not sure about Java since I never used it but it also does not look 'native' and it feels kinda slow. Edit: Just a note: It wouldn't be a problem to create an own form for each platform if at least the remaining code is the same. Is it possible to use MonoMac, Gtk# and Win Forums in the same C# application? And I'd prefer C# over C++ as I have no skills in C++, so I first need to check how hard it is to write with Qt.

Another note: We don't plan to spend much money and because we need to pay Apples Developer Programs we want to use free or cheap technology. Preferable Open Source. If you really want to support all those platforms from a single application, your best bet will be to create a web application. With HTML5, such an application can even be cached on the device and used when no connection is available. Also, that strategy would make it feasible to customize the UI based on the device running the app. You will not have good luck if you set out to build a single native app that runs on Android and iOS, let alone all the other platforms you mentioned. The reason that they're different platforms rather than the same is that they're, well, different.

They have different capabilities, run on different hardware, are built with different languages, employ different application models with different user interfaces, and have audiences with different expectations. Avi player mac os x free download. Everyone's looking for a way to write native applications for all the major mobile platforms without having to do any extra work. It's just not there. Plenty of vendors promise that sort of thing, but what they have to deliver is some least common denominator platform-within-a-platform, and you're usually tied to their servers (and their accounting department). If you're going to use some common platform, you might as well at least do it with open standards on your own server! How to install matrox mxo2 mini for mac. And if the OP is a PHP developer, they've already got a good start.