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MacOS comes with a very good email client. Consistently, Mac users say this. Sadly, Apple doesn’t port their email software to other operating systems. Luckily on Linux, there are many email clients to choose from. The best email client for Linux, hands down, has to be Mozilla Thunderbird. It’s open source, supports a plethora of add-ons, and is likely the email client that many people (including Mac users) are already familiar with. Linux distributions that look like Windows; Linux distributions that look like Chrome OS; Linux distributions that are inspired by MacOS. Before I show you the MacOS inspired Linux distributions, I would like to mention Pear OS. If you are a well aware Linux follower for last 4 years, you might have heard of Pear OS. This was simply MacOS of Linux world. Best linux software for a apple/mac like environment. It is impossible to talk about Mac-like operating systems without talking about the Elementary OS project. This is a Linux distribution that adopts some of the design philosophy that Apple employs into their work: simplicity, beauty, and features.
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