Why Is There No Podcast App For Mac

You can record a podcast on the Mac without any additional software. The two most popular apps to use are Garageband and QuickTime Player. There are also several third-party apps in the Mac App Store available especially for podcasts.

I have an iPhone 5. Recently I ended up belatedly upgrading to iOS9. I'm really unhappy with the change in the Podcasts app -- 'On-The-Go' worked fine for me, and 'Up Next' is more cumbersome. So I'm on the lookout for a podcast app that works for me like Podcasts previously did. The most important thing to me is that I want to be able to manually populate playlists.

There are several podcasts I listen to on which I am gradually catching up, having started them long after they began publishing. I tried Overcast, but I couldn't find any way to add anything other than the most recent episode to a playlist. I really only one ONE playlist that I can add ANY episode of a podcast series to.

Is this something that Overcast can do, and I'm just missing it? Do you know of another app that will do this?

Delete Individual Podcast Episodes Right From The Podcast App On Your Device Deleting individual episodes from the Podcasts app on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch is fairly easy if you’re a longtime iOS user. If not, then it might not be as intuitive. Here’s how to get to, and then delete, individual podcast episodes from your iOS device of choice. First, you’ll need some podcast episodes downloaded to your iOS device, at least one. Launch the Podcasts app, and tap on the My Podcasts tab at the bottom of the iPad screen.

If you’re in icon view, you’ll see all your subscriptions as squares on the screen. Tap one of the big squares to go to the podcast with an episode you’d like to delete. Once you see the list of individual episodes, simply swipe left across the episode’s title. You’ll see a red Delete button show up. Tap that to, well, delete the episode. Do this for each episode you want to delete.

If you want to delete a whole podcast, you’re really just wanting to unsubscribe. Tap the big square podcast icon again, and tap into Settings.

Tap the Subscription toggle to OFF. Hopefully, this will help the reader above, as well as those of you who haven’t known who to ask. If you do have a question about how to do something on iOS, feel free to, or send us a question (or tip!) on our Twitter account, Sick Of All The Talk? Delete An Entire Podcast Right From Your iPhone Justin P asks, Thanks for the tips on deleting individual episodes of a podcast. However how do you remove the entire podcast icon from ‘my podcasts’? Tried unsubscribe but that doesn’t work. If you could let me know that would be great. Outlook for mac search folders in outlook.

It’s a good point, Justin, so I did a little poking around in the Podcast app and figured it out. First up, you’ll need to launch the Podcasts app on your iOS device. You may need to pull down on the display when in the icon mode to see the Search field.

Just to the left, there’s an Edit button. Tap it, whether you’re in icon or list mode. When in icon mode (big square podcast icons), tapping the Edit button will show iOS-style X boxes in the upper left corner of each podcast icon. Tap the X on the podcast you’d like to delete. That’s all you have to do. In list mode, you’ll see a column of red circles with a dash in them to the left. Tap the red circle next to the podcast you want to get rid of, and then hit the Delete button that appears to the right.

Now Justin (and the rest of us) can clean up our Podcast app up without any trouble at all. Podcasts – Sync With iTunes Or On The Go? To sync or not to sync, that is the question. Cult of Mac reader, Josh K, asks: If I download a podcast episode when I am out and about, then get home and sync my iPhone, I find when it is finished syncing, whatever episodes were downloaded have been removed.

And I have to either download them again or manually sync them. How can I make this process easier or stop the phone taking the recently downloaded episodes off every time I sync? Unfortunately, there’s no simple fix for this one, so you’re going to have to choose, Josh: either sync via iTunes or manage podcasts on your iPhone. I’m not able to find a solution which lets you do both. Here’s what I recommend. My first thought was to use iCloud, but that won’t help back up podcasts. If you look over at the, you’ll notice that while you’ll get unlimited free storage for all your purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books, and up to 5 G free storage for photos and videos, device settings and app data, home screen and app organization, Messages, ringtones, and visual voicemails, iCloud does not back up Podcasts, audio books, media not purchased via iTunes, or photos synced from your Mac.