Make Visual Studio For Mac Always Add Nuget Packages


• Obtain AWS credentials by using Amazon Cognito. • Set the required permissions for each AWS service that you will use in your application.

Mac os x 10.8 download free. I have a project and am attempting to install a nugget package, but when I click on Project -> Add Nuget Packages I get this error: [] Failed to retrieve metadata from source 'https://api. The ReactiveUI package is kind-of broke in terms of the new System.Reative 4.0 packages (which are under a lot of changes) Install System.Reactive 3.1.1 first and then install the ReactiveUI package.

• Create a new project in your IDE. • Install the AWS Mobile SDK for.NET and Xamarin. • Configure the AWS Mobile SDK for.NET and Xamarin. Step 1: Obtain AWS Credentials To make calls to AWS in your application, you must first obtain AWS credentials. You do this by using Amazon Cognito, an AWS service that allows your application to access the services in the SDK without having to embed your private AWS credentials in the application. To get started with Amazon Cognito, you need to create an identity pool. An identity pool is a store of information that is specific to your account and is identified by a unique identity pool ID that looks like the following.

• Log in to the, choose Manage Federated Identities, and then choose Create new identity pool. • Enter a name for your identity pool and select the checkbox to enable access to unauthenticated identities. Choose Create Pool to create your identity pool. • Choose Allow to create the two default roles associated with your identity pool, one for unauthenticated users and one for authenticated users. These default roles provide your identity pool access to Amazon Cognito Sync and Amazon Mobile Analytics. Typically, you will only use one identity pool per application. After you create your identity pool, you obtain AWS credentials by creating a CognitoAWSCredentials object (passing it your identity pool ID) and then passing it to the constructor of an AWS client as follows.

CognitoAWSCredentials credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials ( 'us-east-1:000-0000-0000000', // Your identity pool ID RegionEndpoint.USEast1 // Region ); // Example for MA analyticsManager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance( credentials, RegionEndpoint.USEast1, // Region APP_ID // app id ); Step 2: Set Permissions You need to set permissions for every AWS service that you want to use in your application. First, you need to understand how AWS views the users of your application. When someone uses your application and makes calls to AWS, AWS assigns that user an identity. The identity pool that you created in Step 1 is where AWS stores these identities. There are two types of identities: authenticated and unauthenticated. Authenticated identities belong to users who are authenticated by a public login provider (e.g., Facebook, Amazon, Google).

Unauthenticated identities belong to guest users. Every identity is associated with an AWS Identity and Access Management role. In Step 1, you created two IAM roles, one for authenticated users and one for unauthenticated users. Every IAM role has one or more policies attached to it that specify which AWS services the identities assigned to that role can access.

For example, the following sample policy grants access to an Amazon S3 bucket. Type your identity pool name into the search box.

Choose the IAM role that you want to configure. If your application allows both authenticated and unauthenticated users, you need to grant permissions for both roles. • Click Attach Policy, select the policy you want, and then click Attach Policy. Sharp mx5001n for mac sierra. The default policies for the IAM roles that you created provide access to Amazon Cognito Sync and Mobile Analytics. For more information about creating policies or to choose from a list of existing policies, see.


Step 3: Create a New Project Windows You can use either Visual Studio or Xamarin Studio to develop your application. OS X You must use the Xamarin Studio IDE to develop your applications. IOS development using Xamarin requires access to a Mac to run your app. For more information, see. Step 4: Install the AWS Mobile SDK for.NET and Xamarin Windows Option 1: Install by Using the Package Manager Console The AWS Mobile SDK for.NET and Xamarin consists a set of.NET assemblies. To install the AWS Mobile SDK for.NET and Xamarin, run the install-package command for each package in the Package Manager console.