How To Block Firewall For Spotify On Mac
Click Advanced to bring up a firewall security dialog box. Click the plus symbol (+) below Block All Incoming Connections. Select Spotify from the Browse dialog box. In some cases, your workplace or school may have purposely blocked Spotify if it’s against the rules to use such applications on your computer. That is why blocking the IP range used by Spotify was the only way I could find to block streaming, a blocked IP address is always blocked so I cannot configure the firewall to allow the connection on a specific day.
You can fix this sort of thing via technology - basically firewall off the sources and/or ports - but I'm a big believer in not turning a HR problem into a game of cat'n'mouse with your users. Simply speak to HR, explain the problem and ask them to make a policy regarding this issue and have them communicate it to your users. Then simply agree with HR to do periodic traffic analysis, letting them know of any users breaking this policy and have them deal with the them.
Basically trying to fix it yourself will just get you tied up in knots, and utterly hated too, which as we know is the job of HR already:). The router you mentioned is a perfectly capable router and can block IP addresses, but web filtering is a bit more advanced for most routers in that class. Assuming that your staff is not made up of computer nerds who waste the day on Stack Exchange know what a DNS server does, I've had success with simply using to block Spotify and other social networking sites.
It's a good solution, simple, very non-technical and free. The downside is that you cannot filter anything finer than the domain name (so you can only filter all of spotify.com, but not filter spotify.com/customers while allowing spotify.com/users). The filters are all-or-nothing, there is no way to allow the bosses to surf for porn without blocking the other users (other than manually overriding their DNS server settings, which I've had to do for my clients using OpenDNS).
Libreoffice draw for mac youtube. Free powerpoint templates and backgrounds. And, by manually overriding the DNS server settings on the client computers, the OpenDNS filters are easily defeated. For reference, you would create a (free) account with OpenDNS. Using their webfiltering dashboard (as pictured for one of my clients below), you can add spotify.com to the list of domains that are blacklisted. You can then reprogram the DHCP server built into your router to change the DNS settings from whatever your ISP had provided to the OpenDNS servers, in this case, and Anyone going to spotify.com in the future would be met with an error screen handed out by OpenDNS. If you have a company internal DNS server and block all external DNS traffic via firewall, you can simply refer all relevant name resolutions for Spotify to an internal website of your choosing that can even inform the users about why it's blocked.