How Get Xfonts-100dbi For Mac Osx

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How to install a widget on OSX? Copy the.wdgt file and open your library folder. It should be located at the root of your hard disk. The folks running Apple are getting really sloppy now that iPhones are generating all their revenue. The Mac user is clearly being neglected! Best reference management software for mac

Trying to install DBD::mysql on OS X Server 10.6 (mac mini server). But I'm missing the mysql headers apparently. Since mysql is already part of OS X Server 10.6, I would like to NOT install anything else (no fink or darwin ports installs), just whatever's needed to get DBD::mysql installed and working. Do you know how I could do that?

Do I have to install the headers somewhere? And if so, where? (again: I don't want to install another version of mysql on the box, want to use the version it came with).

Is there a way to install DBD::mysql without compiling any C files? This is the error I get (the actual error is much longer, but these are the most meaningful bits, this is the first error reported). Checking if your kit is complete.

Fonts in Mac OS X: Working with Fonts The following sections cover issues regarding using fonts in applications. Font Panel window The Font Panel is a new way to display your Font choices in Mac OS Xapplications. Most Carbonized applications running in Mac OS X, including AppleWorks andMicrosoft Office, continue to provide user access to font choices in the sameway that they did in Mac OS 9. That is, they use the same Font menus that theyused in the Mac OS 9 versions of the application. There is no Font Panel here.

Mac OS X-only Cocoa-based applications, however, typically use the FontPanel. TextEdit is an example of an application that does so. To access the FontPanel, choose Font Panel from the Font submenu of the Format menu (Command-T). The columns in Font Panel. The Font Panel window contains four maincolumns: • Font Collections.

Use this column if you want to restrict youraccessible fonts to a subset of the total fonts installed. This method may beadvisable when you're working on a project that will use only certain fontsand you do not want to be bothered seeing the rest. Mac OS X comes with a coupleof sets preconfigured (Fun, Web, and so on) • Family. The fonts included in a selected collection appear in theFamily column to the right of the Font Collections column. If you select a specific font in the Family column, itsavailable typefaces appear in the next column over.


What typefaces appear(italic, bold, and so on) will vary with the font. Finally, you can choose sizes for a font via the Sizescolumn. If you choose the Edit Sizes command from the Extras menu, you canmodify which sizes appear in this column or switch to using a slider. (Top) Selecting Font Panel from the Format menu and (bottom) the FontPanel main window. Modify Collections. You can edit the fonts in a collection, create anew collection, or delete an existing one by choosing Edit Collections from theExtras pop-up menu at the bottom of the window.

This command opens a new window.To edit a collection, follow these steps: • Click a collection name. The fonts in that collection appear in the Family column. • Using the arrow keys, you can move fonts to and from the Family and AllFamilies columns, as desired. The plus-sign (+) button adds a new collection; the minus-sign (–) andRename buttons do what you would expect. • When you finish, click Done. Other Font-menu commands. The Font menu in TextEdit includes otherchoices, such as Kern, Ligature, and Colors.

If you know what these options meanand how to use them, great. Otherwise, the topic gets beyond the level of fonttroubleshooting that's appropriate for this Mac OS X book. (Top) Selecting Edit Collections from Font Panel's Extras menuand (bottom) the window that appears. TAKE NOTE Font Styles and Copy/Paste In most Mac OS 9 text applications, as well as Carbonized Mac OS X textapplications, a Style menu allows you to change the style of text from plain toitalics to bold, and so on.