F4 In Excel For Mac


Hazel recently bought a new computer that uses Windows 8.1. She has found that she can no longer use F4 as a method of toggling a cell reference through the absolute/relative settings. Instead, F4 opens a sidebar about projecting to a second monitor. As Hazel only has one monitor, but lots of requirements to set cell references to and from absolute, this is driving her crazy.

She would like F4 to work as it traditionally did in Excel. Testing on a Windows 8.1 system indicates that the F4 key still cycles through absolute/relative versions of references. There is a caveat, however: You need to make sure that you are in 'edit mode' when it comes to using F4 with formulas. In other words, select the cell you want, press F2 to enter edit mode, use the left and right arrow keys to move through the formula, and press F4 whenever you want to cycle a reference through various permutations of absolute and relative notation. If the F4 key still doesn't work as you expect, then it is a good bet that you are using a laptop computer or a super-duper, multi-function keyboard with your desktop system. On these types of keyboards the function keys typically do special things, such as adjust your volume, adjust screen brightness, etc. To get to the normal operation of a particular function key, look for a key labeled something like FN (short for 'function').

If you had looked in Excel Help ('Excel keyboard shortcuts' topic), or if you had typed 'F4' into the 'We'll search the Office for Mac forum for an answer' box in the orange area above, you'd have been able to find out that the answer to this very frequently asked question is CMD-t. Click Apple at the top left of the Mac Menu; Click 'System Preferences.' Select the Keyboard Icon; Check the 'Use all F1, F2, etc. Keys as standard key functions'.

Hold down that key as you press the F4 key, and it should work as you expect. Just bought a new HP running Windows 10 and Office 2016. I have the same problem as the original article. I press f4 to repeat last action or cycle through absolute cell refs, yet all I get is the projector/dual screen option. The same with F2 - instead of editing, my screen dims. By holding the Fn key before pressing the keys, returns to the expected functionality, which is a part solution. BUT I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO HOLD THE FN BUTTON DOWN EVERY TIME.

I use these functions all the time. I'd rather hold down Fn if I want to switch display (like almost never!). Anyone have any idea? I've searched extensively and this is the closest I've come, without solution. Tomcat compatible internet explorer for mac. Hi, I do indeed have a Toshiba Laptop with Windows 8.1. If I try to use F2 first, it indeed allows (only) to readjust brightness. Using FN&F4 removes the original formula (in this case with absolute references to another page in the same workbook) and replaces it with a relative ref.

Formula on the same page, actually to the cell next to right of the original. And if I try to do again in an other cell, the same procedure affects nothing whatsoever. Weird, isn't it? So I am stuck with my original problem! Many laptops which use the Fn key as indicated to trigger alternative meanings for the F-keys also have an option somewhere which toggles the behaviour when the Fn key *isn't pressed* between 'use the F-key meaning' and 'use the computeer control meaning'. You can use that to set you preferred default for the keys and this may be Hazel's long-term answer. Unfortunately, where this option is found probably varies depending on your hardware manufacturer.

And it may be a BIOS setting without a user-friendly switch within Windows itself.